If you’re reading this right now, there’s a good chance that you don’t like what you see when you’re looking at yourself in the mirror. And it’s no secret that you want to tone your body and knock out that mindset on how to slim down thighs and hips...and fast. Make no mistake, you’re not the only one who is in this situation. For most of us looking to get this done, the hard part is figuring out where to start.
By the time you’re finished reading this, you’ll be able to have a list of remedies that will need to get rid fat for slimmer hips and thighs. Let’s start with the first remedy:
Drink Water
When it comes to flushing the toxins from your body and maintaining your optimum levels, water is the undisputed champion. It should be the first thing you drink in the morning and the last thing you drink before going to bed. In fact, it’s highly recommended that you drink anywhere between 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. And while you’re at it, you should include fruits and vegetables that are high in water content. Water is known to help your liver into turning fat into energy and ensures that your metabolism stays high.

It may bear repeating...it may not. But cardio is definitely a must to include in your workout regimen on how to slim down thighs and hips. Stay disciplined and you are well on your way to a fit body with toned thighs and hips to boot. You need to do cardiovascular and strength exercises that specifically target the hip and thigh area.
Your cardio routine can consist of spending time on a treadmill or a stationary bike. Should you opt for strength exercises, your go to exercises are squats and curls.
Do yoga
Namaste! Yoga is arguably one of the best regimens to go for if you are aiming on how to slim hips and thighs fast. We can talk all day about how great yoga is...but let’s leave this topic with this: If you want to go the yoga route, just practice regularly.
The Big Surprise: Coconut Oil
Did you know that coconut oil can be used for massages? No kidding. And there’s a reason why. Not only does the oil strengthen your skin and tissues, but it also plays a role in losing extra fat. Another effective way oh how to slim down thighs and hips. Even better, the oil that gets absorbed in your body does not get stored as fat, but rather gets converted into energy. Massage your hips or thighs for 10 minutes a day using coconut oil not only to eliminate fat, but also to keep skin nice and healthy.
A double whammy of goodness, wouldn’t you agree?
Cayenne Pepper
OK, maybe you’re not the kind of person who loves spicy stuff. If so, then here’s some great news--cayenne pepper is a great food that will help you on how to slim down thighs and hips. In fact, here’s a recipe of something you should give a try:
Mix a teaspoon of cayenne pepper, grated ginger, and lemon juice with warm water. You should drink this twice a day.
When it comes on how to slim hips and thighs fast, this ingredient is your best friend. Why is that? Because it is highly spoken of by medical professionals and publications. Mix this with one part coconut (or olive) oil and massage your hips and thighs with this and leave it undisturbed for 30 minutes. This is something that should be done twice a day.
Apple Cider Vinegar is also your best friend in the war against hunger. So if you’re looking for a way to keep your appetite under control, look no further.
Coffee Grounds
If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you are a coffee person. If not, you’re most likely part of a rare breed. Yes, everyone knows that coffee contains caffeine. But little do you probably realize is that it also contains antioxidants. And these two ingredients team up to ensure that your skin is toned down and tight.
Take a spoonful of leftover coffee grounds (before brewing). Add honey and mix the two together until it gets thick. Before taking a bath, apply it to your hips and thighs. Once the honey has dried off, scrub it with wet hands and rinse with water. You can do this remedy two to three times a week.
Now you are well armed with seven different remedies to help you on how to slim down thighs and hips. Give these a shot today and feel free to let us know in the comments below how any of these work out for you.