How to Start Running Again With an Appropriate Running Schedule
It is always best to look for safe practices on how to start running again.
For the sport, the beginning is in walking.
Yes, it may seem strange to you to read that the best way to begin running is to start walking.
This is suggested for the absolute beginner.
If you have been living a sedentary life for the last few months or years, then you need to start slow.
The number one cause of runner burn-out or running related injuries is too much stress on the body in too soon a time.
If you are just starting out, then begin by walking.
When you are trying to establish an appropriate schedule for running in the beginning, your top priority should be to prevent injury.
Do not fall for the trapping of trying to do too much too soon.
Many new runners are tempted on that first outing to run as hard.
This is a bad idea on how to start running again.
The truth is that being a good runner is not just about how far and fast you can go.
Good running is also related to how quickly you recover from the exertions you have subjected your body to.
For example, many people could finish a marathon without ever having trained for one day in preparation, but none of the people that pursue that path would be able to use their legs without debilitating pain for at least the following weeks.
When training, think about the fact that you are not only interested in completing the day’s requirements but that you would like to recover fast enough to do it again soon.
This is why it must be stressed that if you are starting from scratch, you should walk before you run.
By beginning with a walking routine, you are giving your body time to address a small number of factors at a time.
Your muscles and joints will first begin to become more accustomed to continuous steady exertion.
Your ligaments and tendons will become more elastic and less likely to get torn or strained.
By first building a habit of walking, you will begin training your lungs and heart with a gentle introduction to the rigors your plan to carry out later.
You will also find that your skin will begin to callous in the places you need it most, but walking can help you accomplish this without the painful blisters that result from running too much too soon.
Finally, by first walking, you begin the process of training your body to handle the post work-out stresses such as lactic acid build up in the muscles.
Walking will ease your body and mind on how to start running again.
Your first goal in beginning a running routine is to set a time goal.
Ideally, you want 30 minutes of continuous running to be your first major bench mark.
Your body may not be accustomed to being in motion for a continuous 30 minutes, so first training yourself to walk for 30 straight minutes will help to prepare your mind for the task.
While 30 minutes may not seem like a long period of time to run, the minutes will feel dramatically longer in the beginning for those that have not been active.
The 30-minute walk is a time when you can launch every aspect of your training.
If you have had to purchase new shoes for example, in order to begin a running routine, then first walking in those shoes for 30 minutes is going to reap tremendous benefits.
Your feet will grow accustomed to the shoes while the shoes will soften and conform to your feet.
This is also the time when you will realize if these shoes are going to be comfortable enough to run in.
Additionally, you can test out all the new aspects of your running routine during the slower walking introduction.
Other considerations that can be made could include testing out possible workout locations or times of day.
Does a 30-minute workout actually fit into your schedule in the morning or do you need to do it in the evening?
A 30-minute walking routine can help you prepare yourself mentally, physically and logistically for the new active running lifestyle you wish to undertake.
After you have reached an initial goal of briskly walking for 30 minutes, it is time to begin introducing running to the regimen.
Remember that the greatest challenge to running is the difficulty of sticking with it.
When you are learning how to start running again, incorporate it into your walking routine.
There are two ways of transitioning to running.
The first is to decide to begin running by setting the goal of running for 30 minutes then doing everything you can during that 30 minutes to keep your body running.
This is a difficult path to take, but it does take advantage of the widely shared belief that it is best to establish running for time goals in the beginning rather than running for distance goals.
“Running for time” means setting a goal like 30 minutes rather than running for a specific distance which may vary in time.
The scheduling predictability associated with running for time makes it appealing to new runners.
Another method for establishing an appropriate running schedule in the beginning is to adjust your workout incrementally in the transition between running and walking.
Once you have comfortably achieve the routine for walking for 30 minutes without any fatigue or problems, then you are ready to transition to a run and walk routine to help begin to build your endurance on the way to the next goal of running for 30 minutes straight.
In the combination routine, you will adjust your running workout based on an interval schedule that you slowly use to build up to a longer run.
For example, you might try walking for 10 minutes followed by running for 10 minutes and concluding with another 10 minute walk.
This is an excellent way to ease your body into the adjustment of handling the stress of running.
As your strength and endurance increase, you can increase the intervals or the length of the run time.
Running followed by walking is an excellent alternating interval sequence that will challenge the body and build the endurance.
It is important to remember that there is no shortcut on how to start running again; further and faster.
You are going to feel sore after you run. A small amount of soreness is expected because the muscles are growing and strengthening.
The objective is to not experience a debilitating level of soreness or to avoid being injured by attempting too much too soon.
Always build slowly.
There is no consequence for slowly building up your muscles as long as you are consistently challenging them at the appropriate level of intensity.
Set goals for yourself to help with motivation but remember that this is a long term fitness program that will yield results if you are diligent and steadfast in your commitment to it.